Become a CitySpace Member

Becoming a CitySpace member allows us to grow and sustain our program while also being able to connect with you. The great benefits we are offering will deepen your engagement with CitySpace: you'll receive special members-only discount codes so you can see more of what you love. The higher your Membership Tier - the more perks you get!
Becoming a CitySpace member allows us to grow and sustain our program while also being able to connect with you. The great benefits we are offering will deepen your engagement with CitySpace: you'll receive special members-only discount codes so you can see more of what you love. The higher your Membership Tier - the more perks you get!
All memberships last one year from the time of joining and you will be sent a reminder to renew at the end of that time.
All memberships last one year from the time of joining and you will be sent a reminder to renew at the end of that time.
$60 a year / $5 a month
As a Spark Member you will receive:
- CitySpace Membership card
- Members-Only ticket discount codes sent on a regular basis
- Your name listed as a Member on the CitySpace website
- Invitations to Members-Only events
- Access to presale tickets
- Monthly newsletters
$120 a year / $10 A Month
As a Catalyst Member you will receive:
- CitySpace Membership card
- Members-Only ticket discount codes sent on a regular basis
- Your name listed as a Member on the CitySpace website
- Invitations to Members-Only events
- Access to presale tickets
- Monthly newsletters
- A CitySpace screen-printed bag
$240 a year / $20 A Month
As a Champion Member you will receive:
- CitySpace Membership card
- 2 free tickets to select CitySpace or CitySpace-partnered event per year
- Members-only ticket discount codes sent on a regular basis
- Your name listed as a Member on the CitySpace website
- Invitations to Members-Only events
- Access to presale tickets
- Monthly newsletters
- A CitySpace screen-printed bag
$600 A Year / $50 a month
As a Visionary Member you will receive:
- CitySpace Membership card
- 4 free tickets to select CitySpace or CitySpace-partnered event per year
- Members-only ticket discount codes sent on a regular basis
- Your name listed as a Member on the CitySpace website
- Invitations to Members-Only events
- Access to presale tickets
- Monthly newsletters
- A CitySpace screen-printed bag
$1,200 A Year / $100 a month
As a Benefactor Member you will receive:
- CitySpace Membership card
- 8 free tickets to select CitySpace or CitySpace-partnered event per year
- Members-only ticket discount codes sent on a regular basis
- Your name listed as a Member on the CitySpace website
- Invitations to Members-Only events
- Access to presale tickets
- Monthly newsletters
- A CitySpace screen-printed bag
A Special Note on Membership:
CitySpace Memberships are valid for a year and expire on the last day of the month one year out from when you joined. Perks may be applied to members only and are non-transferrable. Membership will not go towards campaign fundraising for the 2nd floor of Old Town Hall and are not tax deductible donations. If you are looking to make a tax deductible donation in support of the 2nd floor renovations, thank you for making your donation to CitySpace here.