tagline Where Art Meets Community in Old Town Hall

Elevating Every Stage

CitySpace is transforming Easthampton's historic Old Town Hall into a sustainable economic catalyst for a thriving Main Street. This project supports a healthy, vibrant community by fostering affordable and accessible arts for all in western Massachusetts.
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Get Involved

From event assistance to spiffing up Old Town Hall, we have all kinds of things that could use your help. Be a part of the dynamic CitySpace community!

Person standing and smiling

Rent the venue for your rehearsal, performance, or event.

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Pay It Forward Cohort

We welcome the participating 2024 Pay It Forward artists. They will be rehearsing and performing in the Blue Room through December.

Deja Carr, Suraj Malla, Jupong Lin, Tender Spot, Kai, Indë, Grotesque Burlesque, Jymese Brunson, Magid Ensemble, and Human Agenda Theater

In the Galleries


@Big Red Frame's Elusie Gallery: Matthew Simons - Blam!

@Easthampton City Arts Gallery: Rivkah Gevinson - The Year of Six Seasons


During select CitySpace events and

BRF: Tu-Th, 10:30am – 5:30pm, Fri 9am – 5pm, Sa 9am – noon

ECA Gallery: The gallery is open Tu-Th, Noon– 2pm

Meet Kim Chin-Gibbons: guitarist, singer, and photographer

CitySpace Merch

Check out the new CitySpace store, with merch shipped directly to your door.

Take a virtual tour

Once municipal offices and now a center for the arts, explore Easthampton Old Town Hall and see what’s inside the historic building today.

2ndfloor cityspace
