Old Town Hall Phase I Completed!

When CitySpace launched its capital campaign to restore the city-owned Old Town Hall in 2019, the organization originally planned to restore the 2nd floor in one construction stage. But one year later, facing a pandemic, CitySpace talked with Kuhn Riddle Architects about the option of phasing the restoration to keep overall inflation costs low and project momentum going. Last May, CitySpace launched Phase I of the restoration of Old Town Hall. Michael Tautznik, CitySpace treasurer, managed the project in coordination with Kuhn Riddle Architects and R W Hall Consulting Engineer. Plans and requests for proposals brought forth bids within the expected cost range.

Boulanger’s Plumbing, a local company, was awarded the half- a-million-dollar project with construction starting in July through January of 2023. The inadequate, aged and failing steam heating system was completely removed and replaced with high efficiency systems with full capacity for the completed transformation of Old Town Hall.

“This phase of the project provides the necessary infrastructure to support future improvements to the building. The new electrical and heating equipment is sized to provide the capacity necessary for the transformation of this historic meeting house into a state of the art performance center,” said Tautznik.
In addition to that foundational work, we also brought appropriate and efficient HVAC control and capacity to the entire first floor. Just in time for winter, all rooms have heat, appropriate air exchange and efficient heat pump systems.
Next up, CitySpace is continuing to phase the project. Aiming for March 2023, we plan to launch Phase II, a crucial phase of the project that adds the elevator and newly accessible entryway to the front of the building, followed by Phase III, the completion of the 2nd floor. The final phase will restore the ceiling and floors, add restrooms, install new air electrical and fire safety systems and invest in state-of-the art theatrical and lighting equipment. As we consider historic restoration, designs for the accessibility to Old Town Hall must be creative, complementing the architect’s original design and realizing the needs of our visitors. To be welcoming to all while being compatible with ADA regulations, CitySpace upholds that the Old Town Hall’s historic features must coexist with accessibility for compatible use of the building’s future as a flexible performing arts venue.